Integration and inclusion: How Spain is paving the way with its new immigration rules
On 19 November 2024, a Royal Decree was published which approves a new regulation on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration.
Vi fortsätter vår serie av coffee breaks med ett återkommande ämne för oss inom HR-juridik, utredningar. Snart är det ju dags för en av årets mest efterlängtade traditioner – julfesten! Det är en tid för att fira framgångar, stärka banden inom teamet och ge medarbetarna en chans att slappna av och ha roligt tillsammans.
Men vi vet också att situationer kan uppstå när medarbetare möts, särskilt när alkohol är inblandat, som kräver att arbetsgivaren är förberedd och har en handlingsplan redo. Därför bjuder vi in till ett nytt coffee break för att diskutera arbetsgivarens ansvar vad gäller eventuella situationer under julfesten och ge dig inom HR konkreta verktyg och insikter i vad du som arbetsgivare bör tänka på – innan, under och efterjulfesten.
Under webinariet kommer följande att tas upp:
On 19 November 2024, a Royal Decree was published which approves a new regulation on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration.
The growing strain from an ageing workforce and declining birth rates has resulted in significant labour market tightness across many OECD countries. This situation has intensified competition, and in this context, it is important to understand how evolving migration routes impact job markets and what challenges employers face when hiring foreign nationals.
The European Parliament recently approved the Artificial Intelligence Act, a huge step forward in creating a legal framework for AI technology throughout the European Union.
Frukostseminarium den 25 april 2024
In light of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the country is reforming its immigration policy to combat the severe labour shortage.
Several times a year, our experts from around the world compile an update on immigration and global mobility practice, setting out recent changes to the laws and regulations in their jurisdictions. Here are the highlights of the February 2024 Immigration and Mobility Update.
Nordic HR Seminar - 2 February 2024 09.00am — 11.30am (CET) - The Ius Laboris Nordic law firms warmly welcome you to the annual Nordic HR Webinar – where our lawyers from Finland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden will give you the updates on the latest legislative developments and hot topics for 2024 as well as guiding you through any potential challenges in 2024. Press "To article" below to register for the seminar!
Increasingly, employers are being made aware of employee misconduct that is evidenced by photos, videos or other social media posts. What are employers allowed to do when it comes to their employees' posts, what are the limits, what should they bear in mind when using these posts? Here we consider the situation in Germany, with comments from our experts in 19 other jurisdictions.
The Pay Transparency Directive will create new gender pay gap reporting obligations throughout the EU. In this article, we answer some frequently asked questions about this new legislation.
Since 1 April 2023, Belgian employers in the private sector with 20 employees or more must include the right to disconnect in collective bargaining agreements or work rules. The right to disconnect applies to all categories of employees. Our experts from 15 other countries have also commented on whether a right to disconnect has been introduced in their own jurisdictions.
On 1 May, people in over 90 countries commemorate International Labour Day to celebrate the efforts and contributions of workers across all industries and sectors. We take a look at the origins of International Labour Day, whilst reflecting on the many challenges faced by workers today.
Inability to disconnect during remote working is one side of the coin; isolation is the other. Both can easily emerge from full time remote working. For employers, managing these risk factors well is key to running a successful operation.